Research and Writing
All of our faculty and postdoctoral fellows are active scholars working to publish books, articles, and essays aimed at university audiences as well as the broader reading public. We also support the publication efforts of other scholars and writers through our online journal and book series.

Faculty Books
Center faculty publish academic books on a wide range of subjects, predominantly focused on religion and politics in U.S. history. Some have also published trade books for wider audiences.
The Women’s Mosque of America: Authority and Community in US Islam
(New York: NYU Press, November 1, 2022)
Love in Time
(In progress)
A podcast about the hidden history of Jews and the Ivy League, from Mark Oppenheimer.
Heaven’s Bride
The Unprintable Life of Ida C. Craddock, American Mystic, Scholar, Sexologist, Martyr, and Madwoman

Director and Reverend Priscilla Wood Neaves Distinguished Professor of Religion and Politics
The Opening of the Protestant Mind
How Anglo-American Protestants Embraced Religious Liberty
Details -
Law and Providence in Joseph Bellamy’s New England
The Origins of the New Divinity in Revolutionary America