Our Community

The John C. Danforth Center on Religion and Politics draws on the vast experience and resources of many people to fulfill its mission: to deepen academic and public understanding of religion and politics in the United States.

line drawing of three people speaking and superimposed on each other


The staff of the John C. Danforth Center on Religion and Politics enriches and supports the work of the Center on campus and beyond.

  • Debra B. Kennard

    Associate Director

    It’s been an honor to be a part of the Center’s growth from an idea to a thriving academic community exploring some of today’s most urgent issues with a hand in educated action and a heart for the humanity in our differences. It’s a job that gives me hope every day.

  • Sheri Peña

    Administrative Coordinator

    I enjoy helping our faculty and students with a wide range of administrative operations and curriculum support. Getting to work with our students is one of the highlights of my job!

  • Hannah Pierce

    Event Specialist

    Managing events for the Center is deeply rewarding! I have the opportunity to organize gatherings that bring people together to share in their collective passions and unique personal perspectives. 

  • David Sugarman

    Deputy Editor, Online Journal
