Get to Know Us

There are many ways to learn more about the varied projects, events, and other offerings of the center.

line drawing of a person in a chair talking, audience members, and a person with a microphone


We hope you find helpful these answers to some of our most frequently asked questions. Please feel welcome to contact us at (314) 935-9345 or if you need more information or your question is not answered here!

Where are you located?

We are located in Umrath Hall on the Danforth campus of Washington University in St. Louis. For a map of our location, please see here. For mailing or delivery information, please see here.

Can I major in Religion and Politics through the Center?

Currently there is not a major in Religion and Politics offered at Washington University in St. Louis. We offer a minor program in Religion and Politics at this time. For more information, please see here.

How do I declare a minor in Religion and Politics?

Please contact Sheri Peña, Administrative Coordinator, who can initiate the process and answer questions. The current director of undergraduate studies Professor Marie Griffith will be available to answer your questions and guide you through the process of declaring a minor in Religion and Politics. For more information, please see here or email her at

I’m a graduate student. Do you have any fellowship opportunities?

Please see the “fellowships” page of the website for current offerings.

Is it possible to apply for funds to support research or conference activities related to religion and politics?

Limited funding is available to Washington University undergraduate and graduate students for travel to academic conferences and research archives. For more information, please see here.

How do I submit an idea for an event or a speaker?

Please send an email with as much information as possible to Although we take great care and time to schedule our public event schedule, we are always pleased to receive suggestions!

Can someone from the Center speak to my group?

Please directly contact the individual faculty or staff member you feel is the best fit for your purposes. They will respond based on their availability and interest. Otherwise, please send an email with as much information as possible about your request to and your message will be gratefully considered.

Can I have a recording or transcript of a past lecture?

We post recordings of our public events in the “videos” section of our website. Transcripts are also available for many of our past events and are available on the specific event page for each engagement.

How much does it cost to attend your events?

All events sponsored by the John C. Danforth Center on Religion and Politics are free and open to all unless otherwise indicated. Please see the individual event listing for more information.

Where should I park when I come to campus?

If you offer your email address when you RSVP, we will send you an event confirmation with parking information and a pass, if necessary. You can RSVP for most of our events by emailing or calling (314) 935-9345. General parking and travel information for Washington University can be found here.

Do you have any job opportunities?

Please see the “employment” page of the website for current openings.

I’m interested in religion and politics in the United States. Do you have suggestions on how I can learn more?

We encourage you to explore this website to learn more about the topics of religion and politics and the work being done here at the Center. Please consider attending an upcoming event that features a professor or public figure in a field related to the intersections of religion and politics. Our past events are recorded and archived on this website in the “videos” section. Our online journal, Arc, is another source of information.

How do I get in touch with Senator Danforth?

Senator John C. Danforth does not keep an office here at the Center. You are welcome to send a message to our general email box at and we will gladly forward it to his law office.

I’m a member of the media. Can you put me in touch with one of your professors for a piece I’m working on?

Feel free to directly contact the professor with whom you’d like to speak. They will respond based on their interest and availability. Otherwise, please send an email with as much information as possible (including deadline/timeframe for response) about your request to