Statement by John C. Danforth (U.S. Senator, R-MO, 1976-1995) Concerning Challenges to the Votes of the Electoral College

Jan. 4, 2021
Citing my support for Josh Hawley’s campaigns, a number of people have asked me to comment on his decision to challenge votes of the electoral college.
Lending credence to Trump’s false claim that the election was stolen is a highly destructive attack on our constitutional government. It is the opposite of conservative; it is radical. As one friend asked me, “What are my grandchildren to think of America if they are told that elections are fraudulent?”
At a time of extreme polarization the populist strategy is to drive America even farther apart by promoting conspiracy theories and stoking grievances. We must reject this strategy and reclaim America’s historic purpose of holding our diverse nation together as one people.
Contact: Paul Wagman