Celebrating Five Years of Religion & Politics Journal

When Religion & Politics began as a project of the newly founded John C. Danforth Center on Religion and Politics in 2012, the editors of the online news journal took seriously their aim to create a space where journalists and scholars could explore the diverse viewpoints and important events of religion’s long relationship to American politics. We are delighted to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the journal “fit for polite company” and the contributors who have helped provoke, inspire, and educate its readers with a special print anthology featuring some of the best work from the online pages. Original artwork, new photography, and beautiful design enrich the thoughtful, informed pieces that have helped the journal win awards and exceed the editors’ goals over these past five years. We hope you enjoy with us this look back at where we’ve been and visit us online at religionandpolitics.org to see where we’re going!
Click below to view a PDF of the special print edition or email us at rap@wustl.edu if you would like us to send you a copy.