Is There Room for Mercy in the Sexuality Debates? Shifting the Terms of our Religious-Political Stalemate
A public lecture by Marie Griffith, John C. Danforth Center on Religion and Politics.
January Hall Room 110 Washington University in St. Louis
One Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130
Is There Room for Mercy in the Sexuality Debates? Shifting the Terms of our Religious-Political Stalemate
R. Marie Griffith (February 4, 2012)
About the MLA Lecture Series
Last year’s series examined “The Value of Justice;” this year’s series is focused on justice’s frequent partner, complement, or antithesis: Mercy. The series will consider the concept and practice of mercy from several disciplinary directions, including politics, medicine, religious studies, and literature.
For more information about the MLA Seminar Series, call (314) 935-6777.
About Marie Griffith
Marie Griffith, the John C. Danforth Distinguished Professor in the Humanities at Washington University in St. Louis, gave a public lecture titled, “Is There Room for Mercy in the Sexuality Debates? Shifting the Terms of our Religious-Political Stalemate” to kick off the February 2012 MLA Seminar Series, “The Quality of Mercy,” hosted by the University College in Arts & Sciences.