Elena Kravchenko, Washington University in St. Louis Religious Studies Program
Making Children Orthodox: Parental Disciplines and Desires
Online via Zoom
Washington University in St. Louis
One Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the colloquium will meet virtually via Zoom for the fall semester. To register for the Zoom meeting, go to: https://wustl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcofuivrDoiE9RACCO1S6SxXOwPfGwKqcqk. You will be asked to enter your name and email address. You’ll then receive a confirmation email with a personalized Zoom link that you can use for all of the colloquium meetings this semester.
The paper to be presented is accessible to the right on this page with a password. If you have any questions please contact rap@wustl.edu or Professor Leigh Schmidt at leigh.e.schmidt@wustl.edu.