L57 RelPol 1711

Literature Seminar for Freshman: Literature, Spirituality, and Religion

Fall 2017, M/W 10:00–11:30AM

This freshman seminar examines how writers from multiple perspectives have viewed the function of religion and the meaning of spirituality.

line drawing of three people teaching superimposed on each other

Prize-winning novels and novelists form the entire reading list for this class, which is interested in how writers from multiple perspectives (Christian, Jewish, pluralist, atheist, and others) have viewed the function of religion and the meaning of spirituality. This course is designed for non-English majors as well as potential English majors. As we read some of the best, most influential, and most controversial writers of the last hundred years, we’ll discuss not just the competing claims about religion and spirituality, but also the functions, forms, and multiple ways of interpreting literature. Studying the topic of religion and spirituality, this class will thus also serve as introduction to the discipline of English and literary studies. All are welcome: no religious background of any kind is necessary. NOTE: This course is open only to freshmen.