L57 RelPol 4491
American Unbelief from the Enlightenment to the Present
Spring 2025, W 3:00–5:50PM
This seminar examines American freethinkers, secularists, humanists, and atheists.
This course examines American secularism, humanism, freethought, and atheism from the Enlightenment forward to the present. Topics to be explored include: the tensions between secular and Christian conceptions of the nation’s founding, blasphemy and sacrilege, women’s rights, the civil liberties of atheists and nontheists, the relationship between science and religion, the battles over religion in the public schools, nonreligious child-rearing, and the politics of unbelief on both the left and right.
Course history:
Fall 2017: taught by Professor Leigh Schmidt
Fall 2023: taught by Professor Leigh Schmidt