L57 RelPol 435
Sabbath Politics: Rest and Refusal in Religion and Politics
Fall 2022, M 2:00–4:50pm
What is political about a day of rest? This seminar will explore the practice of the Jewish Sabbath and arguments by Jews and non-Jews for its political potential as a critical break from regular forms of life, “the other six days” in which we work and live.
Assistant Professor
The Jewish Sabbath arrives every week to disrupt ordinary life with a wholly different way of living, abstaining from some activities in divinely commanded rest. Is this different way of life strictly a break from the ordinary, or also a guide to it-and to how it might require disruption, reformation, and repair? Sabbath traditions have inspired radical political action including movements against debt, income inequality, environmental destruction, and racial injustice. This course will consider the ways that 20th and 21st century American Jews have practiced Shabbat and thought about its significance in political life. Students will read a range of Jewish texts including Abraham Joshua Heschel’s classic 1951 book The Sabbath, and consider them in relation to movements of contemporary radical politics that have been inspired by Sabbath traditions, including Strike Debt, reparations for African-Americans, and agonistic democratic politics.