Texas and the Future of Abortion Law and Reproductive Justice

Rebecca Wanzo moderates a panel discussion with WashU faculty Susan Appleton, Marie Griffith, and Zakiya Luna.




Register info in event description.


  • Texas and the Future of Abortion Law and Reproductive Justice

    September 24, 2021

Join this conversation moderated by Rebecca Wanzo, Chair and Professor of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies with panelists:

Marie Griffith, Director, John C. Danforth Center on Religion and Politics, John C. Danforth Distinguished Professor in the Humanities

Zakiya T. Luna, Dean!s Distinguished Professorial Scholar, Department of Sociology

Susan Appleton, Lemma Barkeloo & Phoebe Couzins Professor of Law 

Co-Sponsored by the Department of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, the John C. Danforth Center on Religion and Politics, and the Law, Identity, and Culture Initiative

Register for this event: https://wustl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0pcuytrT4iGNCX7t6U2xkQlsUYecycaQ96

Contact Donna Kepley (dkepley@wustl.edu) with any questions.


  • R. Marie Griffith

    John C. Danforth Distinguished Professor in the Humanities

  • Susan Appleton

    Lemma Barkeloo & Phoebe Couzins Professor of Law, Washington University School of Law

  • Zakiya T. Luna

    Distinguished Professorial Scholar, Washington University Department of Sociology