Theological Argument in Law: Engaging With Stanley Hauerwas
A conference at Duke University supported by the John C. Danforth Center on Religion and Politics.

Duke University
Durham, NC
Sponsored by the Franklin Humanities Institute, Washington University School of Law, the John C. Danforth Center on Religion & Politics, Duke Divinity School, and Duke Law School’s Program on Public Law.
This Conference was held at Duke University School of Law.
Topical Essays:
Hauerwas and Legal Ethics, W. Bradley Wendel (Cornell)
Hauerwas and Disability Law, Elizabeth R. Schiltz (St. Thomas)
Hauerwas and Bioethics, Michael P. Moreland (Villanova)
Crime, Criminals, and Hauerwasian Punishment, James Logan (Earlhan, Religion)
Panel Chair: Paul J. Griffiths (Duke, Theology)
Broader Applications:
Hauerwas and the Sermon on the Mount, David A. Skeel (Penn)
Hauerwas and the Common Law, M. Cathleen Kaveny (Notre Dame, Law and Theology)
Hauerwas, Reconciliation and the Courts, Richard P. Church (private practice)
Panel Chair: Guy-Uriel Charles (Duke)
Legal and Political Theory:
Must Law Be Violent?, Stephen L. Carter (Yale)
Hauerwas and Dworkin: The Limits of Integrity, John D. Inazu (Wash U.)
In Defense of Liberal Public Reason, Stephen Macedo (Princeton, Politics)
Panel Chair: Ian Baucom (Duke, English)
Response: Stanley Hauerwas (Duke, Theology)
Moderator: H. Jefferson Powell (George Washington)
Conference papers will be published in Volume 75, Issue 4 of Law & Contemporary Problems.