Angels of Our Nature: Polarization in America and Its Challenge to Universities and Think Tanks
A public lecture by Strobe Talbott, The Brookings Institution.

Whitaker Auditorium Washington University in St. Louis
One Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130
Brookings Institution President and statesman Talbott delivered a policy address regarding the challenge of today’s polarization in American politics, now at its worst level since the late 19th century.
In reviewing the factors driving this current climate, Talbott explained the urgency of the problem and its implications for pressing public policy challenges. As head of a prominent think tank, he sees the role of universities and think tanks – bastions of fact-based research and academic freedom – as an antidote to the animosity permeating our society.
This program was sponsored by the Office of the Chancellor and the Office of the Provost. Co-sponsors include the Brookings Institution, and WUSTL’s School of Law, Arts & Sciences, the School of Engineering & Applied Science, Olin Business School, WUSTL D.C. Programs, the Department of Political Science in Arts & Sciences, the McDonnell International Scholars Academy, the Weidenbaum Center on the Economy, Government, and Public Policy, and the John C. Danforth Center on Religion & Politics.