About the Center

We are a dedicated group of scholars and professionals working to support outstanding analysis of the historical and contemporary intertwinings of religion and politics. Our aim is to educate students and the public through our courses, events, and publications, while modeling discussion and debate that values each person’s humanity as the cornerstone of a productive democracy. 

Upcoming Event

Poetry and Conflict

A talk by poet and theologian Pádraig Ó Tuama.


Recent News

Abram Van Engen named next Director of Danforth Center on Religion and Politics


Latest from Our Journal

Let Us Now Praise Sanctuary Cities

By Lloyd D. Barba and Sergio M. Gonzalez

Some cities are giving up on them, but sanctuary policies will be central in fighting the cruelties of Trump’s second term.


Spring 2025 Course Highlight

The Abuse Crisis in Modern Christianity

This course explores the sexual abuse crisis in North American Christianity, both as it has emerged in the media and as church leaders and laypeople have responded to it. We’ll pay particular attention to the power dynamics of abuse, the impact upon the Christian body writ large, and the relation between the crisis and U.S. politics.

Course Details About the Undergrad Minor